Fave YTers lately

I've watched YouTube for years now and subscribe to so many channels but every now and then a shake up is necessary. I've been feeling like that lately so went on the hunt for a few new (to me) YouTubers and was pretty happy with my findings so thought I'd share them with you cos that's the generous kind of person I am :) And, as I know you're all observant beans, I must point out I took these screen shots from my phone which I NEVER use to watch YT hence I am not logged in hence hence the button reads 'subscribe' and not 'subscribed'. Anyhoo...


Scrolling through her videos I found out Faye's been making YouTube videos for a couple of years now and I have no idea how I haven't found her sooner. That being said I doubt she'll be 'new' to many of you but if you haven't seen her videos get watching! They're mainly beauty and fashion focused with a few classic YT tag videos thrown in. Her personality seems so lovely and she's a natural in videos. Faye's one of those YTers who could upload anything and I'd watch it.

Prepare yourself for a whole lot of hair envy after watching Rosie's vids. At just 16, her hair and beauty tutorials rival the old timers and lately she's been dabbling in the fashion vids too. Her recent spring lookbook is one of my favourites. It's awesomely shot and edited to perfection.

Niomi Smart

A newbie on YT but already scoring a big audience because of her successful blog, Niomi is definitely worth subscribing to. If her March lookbook is anything to go by, she's one to watch!


This Aussie girl has an amazing sense of style. She's so unique yet on trend. She's very witty and has a rawness about her personality that breaks all the samey YTers in the fashion & beauty community. If you're a fan of Beauty Crush then make sure you subscribe to Muchelleb.

As it gets closer to summer I'm always on the hunt for some 'fitspiration' and came across Carly's channel whilst looking for tips for beginner runners. She somehow manages to put an exciting spin on working out and her positive attitude in infectious!

I'd love to know who you've been watching on YT lately. Any recommendations are always welcome..

Lucy ox