My Nail Polish Collection: January Blues

My nail polish collection is getting a little excessive. A few months ago I sorted through it and got rid of any almost empty bottles, replaced dried up colours and gave away shades I didn't use. I'm still left with a mega collection so each month this year I'm going to share my favourites. I decided to split the series into categories and as it's January, I'm starting with the blues.Blue nail design

Sinful Colors are my favourite brand of polish by a mile so expect to see them featured a lot in these posts. If you're in the UK I recommend searching you're local Poundland - I'm not sure where else stocks them.
 Best blue nail polish

Left to Right: Ciate - Ahoy Sailor | SC - Cinderella | SC - At Sea | L'Oreal - Jeans Effect 861 | SC - Break Away | 17 Colour Switch - Silver Blue |

My favourite out of these is Cinderella - it's the perfect blue colour with a slight hint of glitter exactly like Cinder's ball gown in the recent real life remake. 

Let me know your fave,
ox Lucy

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Paperchase Wishlist

Paperchase loyalty card

I have so many loyalty cards I'm on the search for a new large purse to hold them all but the most recent addition to my collection is the Paperchase Loyalty Card. 'Treat Me' Offers a range of benefits to card holders including free click and collect, a £5 treat on your birthday and free coffee in certain stores.

With 15% off your first purchase after signing up I've been browsing trying to decide what to treat myself too. The Flamingo notecards are cute enough to encourage me to send some letters - I'm terrible when it comes to handwritten post and will usually opt for a quick text. I'm pretty impressed with the range of stickers too. The fitness set include tick boxes to monitor things like your five a day, water intake and squats. I've previously only seen these being sold on Etsy so for a planner addict like myself, I'll be snapping a few of these up.

Have you signed up to the loyalty scheme yet?
ox Lucy

If you liked this post, you might enjoy my recent Paperchase Haul
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Recipe: Oreo Popcorn

Disney popcorn recipeOreo popcorn recipe

Oreo Popcorn is the most simple snack to make and is always a crowd pleaser. If you're having a movie night or just need to use up some left over goodies you need to try this.

Start by crushing the Oreo biscuits using the end of a rolling pin (or something similar). I like to crush them into big chunks of similar size to a popcorn kernel. Pop them in a bowl with some melted chocolate and throw your popcorn in there too. All you need to do now is mix it all together. The melted chocolate helps coat the popcorn in Oreo pieces so if you need more just keep adding to the mixture until you have an even distribution.

Okay.. the ultimate Popcorn question - salty or sweet?

ox Lucy

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What I'm reading: January

Every year I hope to read a book a month and every year I fail. In 2015 I read three. THREE! I'd like to make 2016 the year I stick to my plan so I've started scheduling in some dedicated reading time into my week. usually whilst waiting for my tea to cook I'll scroll endlessly through instagram or play a game on my phone. So far this year, most days I've spent this time reading. 

January's book of choice is The Selection by Kiera Cass. In the first of I believe 5 novels, America Singer is one of 35 young girls chosen to compete for Prince Maxon's love and thrust her self and her family to the top of society in a country where social mobility is practically non-existent.

I've only read a third of this book so far but I am completely hooked. America is, at least for the moment, a likable character, easy to relate to and very much a girl next door type representing the masses of under privileged girls. She's already battled between what is right for her heart and what would, at the least financially, be better for her future and her family's.

I'd love to know if you've read this series (no spoilers please) and any other book recommendations are welcome.

ox Lucy

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Learning To Run

Now I'll start with a disclaimer, I am not what I'd call 'a runner'. I am no expert and the advice you're about to read is coming from somebody who would have walked on a bed of nails to get out of running at school. I do think this gives me a pretty good understanding of how difficult it is to start running and how intimidating it can be in those first few weeks. 

When I was at uni I needed a way to exercise and clear my mind. I tried pilates and yoga helped a lot but it became clear that I needed to get out of my tiny student room and breathe in some fresh air.

I can't lie, I contemplated running in disguise in case I bumped in to people I knew but I decided to settle on a pair of sunglasses and a quick slap of my favourite bold lippie. Next, I took my trusty ancient iPod and made a running playlist. I kept my expectations fairly low and picked less than 20 minutes worth of songs. I went for something slow but encouraging to start with, some major girl power songs with a good beat in the middle (think Single Ladies by Bey and Kellis' Milkshake) and a celebratory anthem for the home stretch (Queen's We are the Champions).

For my first few runs I would power walk through each verse and jog the chorus. When you're very out of practise putting little pressure on yourself keeps you encouraged and running in intervals is great for the heart. Once I found this less challenging I'd run for a chorus and verse then power walk the next verse and repeat. Before I knew it I was running through entire songs and then my entire playlist.

Last year I got pretty lazy with my running. There was always some sort of excuse. You know the usual, too tired, too cold, too much rain, blah! So to challenge myself I signed up to a race for life. It was only 5K but I used the same method with my playlists and was super proud that I managed to successfully complete a race in a more than decent time. 

If you're taking up running this January I wish you the best of luck. I'm putting on my running shoes again after a 6 week break so maybe I'll take on a 10k this year - who knows!

ox Lucy

How to be happy in 2016

how to be happy

2015 is the first year I can honestly say I've stuck to my new year's resolution. Most other year's I've probably forgotten what my goals even were by the end of January, let alone managed to stick to them. My resolution for the past 12 months was simple: Be happy. Happiness is one of those things we are all trying to achieve day in day out. Maybe sometimes we try too much to be happy that it just doesn't work out. I'm going to share with you my tips for a happy life and maybe 2016 will be a happier year for you.

Don't do things that make you unhappy. I'm not talking about refusing to wash up or take out the recycling bins but if there's certain social situations you repeatedly find yourself in that make you unhappy then have the courage to leave them. Don't feel forced to go to that house party you know you'll hate and don't go on a date with a guy you're not feeling just because a mutual friend thinks you're 'made for each other'. If we constantly live to please others we end up sacrificing our own happiness. Know where the line is between stepping outside of your safety zone and doing something you're not comfortable with. 

Be positive. Positivity breeds positivity. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a positive in a bad situation and it's all too easy to take a trip down Why Me Lane and throw a pity party for ourselves. Make your favourite motivational quote your screen saver to give you a boost throughout the day. If that doesn't work then do something positive to help somebody else. Trust me it'll make you feel better in an instant. Whether it's holding open a door for somebody, letting somebody in front of you in a queue or popping your lose change in a charity box. Small positive actions begin to make big differences.

happiness tips

Change. If the thing that makes you most unhappy is your job, relationship or housing situation then don't forget you can change it. Never be afraid of cutting out toxic friendships or habits that no longer fit who you are. There are certain things in life that can only be controlled by ourselves. I like to write down a long term goal for the change I'd like to make and then break it down in to smaller more achievable aims I can fit into my evening after work. Those small changes lead to big ones.

Appreciate. Just like positive thinking, happiness comes from an appreciation of what you have rather than the desire for things you don't. I could sit here all day making wish list after wish list filled with fancy handbags, cute clothes and Disney tsum tsums I don't need and then cry myself to sleep because once again I'll be taking my £10 Primark backpack to work rather than my mush lusted after Mulberry dream bag. At the end of each week or month take some time to think about five things your thankful for. Share them on your blog or on twitter or just make a note of them in your journal or planner. We have so much to be thankful for - our home no matter how small, the NHS no matter how long we have to wait for an appointment and that delicious packet of Oreos we treat ourselves to after a bad day at work. You know that old saying, happiness is a journey, not a destination. It's okay if you're not 100% happy 100% of the time, some days I'm just grateful for Netflix but hey, that's okay.

I'll start here with 5 things from the Christmas period I'm grateful for:

-My family for making every Christmas special without fail
-The NHS paramedics that came to my rescue after I got hit by a car the week before Christmas
-My best friends who helped me with my last minute shopping by driving me around and carrying my bags
-Pigs in blankets
-Friends from afar who take time to send gifts and well wishes

What are your top tips for happiness? I'd love you to leave a comment saying what you're grateful for.

ox Lucy