What I'm reading: January

Every year I hope to read a book a month and every year I fail. In 2015 I read three. THREE! I'd like to make 2016 the year I stick to my plan so I've started scheduling in some dedicated reading time into my week. usually whilst waiting for my tea to cook I'll scroll endlessly through instagram or play a game on my phone. So far this year, most days I've spent this time reading. 

January's book of choice is The Selection by Kiera Cass. In the first of I believe 5 novels, America Singer is one of 35 young girls chosen to compete for Prince Maxon's love and thrust her self and her family to the top of society in a country where social mobility is practically non-existent.

I've only read a third of this book so far but I am completely hooked. America is, at least for the moment, a likable character, easy to relate to and very much a girl next door type representing the masses of under privileged girls. She's already battled between what is right for her heart and what would, at the least financially, be better for her future and her family's.

I'd love to know if you've read this series (no spoilers please) and any other book recommendations are welcome.

ox Lucy

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1 comment

  1. I haven't read this series yet, but it's on my list. I'm currently reading the Delirium trilogy, which I recommend if you're into your dystopian YAs!
