Jack Wills Wishlist

Last week I was over the moon to find out I'd won a £100 Jack Wills voucher from a giveaway run by Shopcade via their twitter account. Although I enter a few competitions I wouldn't call myself a comper just yet, but that feeling of winning is almost addictive and each win spurs me on to enter more.

I've bought a few items from Jack Wills in the past as gifts but never anything for myself. I was only really familiar with their heavily branded garments, you know the ones that inform everybody within a mile radius that you've parted with your pennies to buy a JW hoodie? That being said, I was always aware of the high quality and value for money so I was eager to trawl through their website and see what I could find.

5 things Netflix newbies need to know

via Ebay
OneNever feel ashamed about the amount of time you spend Netflixing. Yep I said Netflixing. It's a genuine activity that, granted requires very little activity at all, but it's a real thing okay?!

TwoAs with every marathon, preparation is the key. You can't just embark upon a Netflix marathon without the prior planning. Basic essentials include your comfiest indoor clothes - you know those ones that aren't quite pyjamas but you definitely wouldn't wear them outside of the house? Yeah those ones. Have enough snacks to see you through the entire marathon and make sure you stay hydrated. Not too much though, anymore than two toilet breaks per marathon will seriously damage your PB.

ThreeIf you've just started a new series you MUST resist the temptation to do a quick wiki search to find the name of that actress you recognise or scroll through the tumblr hashtags to reblog a GIF of your new OTP. There will be spoilers. You will regret it. Don't. Just don't.

FourIt's okay if you'd rather be Netflixing than at an event or social gathering. Don't feel guilty about your new favourite past time. Embrace it.

FiveThat sense of loss when your favourite Netflix show has ended is completely normal. It's okay to grieve the loss of a world you've emerged yourself in for hours on end. It happens to all of us. You won't be the first and you certainly won't be the last to feel this way. When the time is right you'll move on and your life will soon feel full again. As you begin to move forward on your Netflixing journey. Seek out Netflix recommendations through the Netflix TAG popping up on blogs. If you're wondering what to watch on Netflix right now, you can read my post here.

5 free ways to make someone's day

Free random acts of kindness RAKs

1Leave your unwanted books - Recently finished reading a book you love? Leave it on the train, in a cafe or at the local bus stop for the next person. This can work with DVDs too.

2Spread some social media love - We spend the majority of our days on social media so why not use it to send some good vibes. Try searching #happybirthdaytome and wish somebody many happy returns or #nervous for people about to take an exam, or sitting their driving test and wish them good luck. 

3Let somebody go ahead of you - Got 5 minutes to spare in the supermarket? Let somebody skip the queue and go in front of you. I've had it done to me at the train station and it really did make my day

4Give up your seat - Commuting to work? Let somebody take your set on the train or bus, you never know they might repay the favour one day.

5Give away your loyalty card - If you're lunch time coffee shop has a 'buy 6 get the next one free' type loyalty card then this one's for you. Once you fill the card instead of redeeming the free drink for yourself buy a drink for a homeless person or pass the loyalty card to the person queuing behind you.

These are all little things that will cost you nothing but might just brighten up somebody's miserable day. If they ask you why, just say 'why not' and encourage them to do something good for somebody else next.

What's in my carry on | Long haul

I've travelled on a fair few long haul flights and if I'm honest, they're a nightmare. If there wasn't a Nextlix worthy amount of films and TV shows to watch I really don't know how I'd cope. With this in mind I've compiled a list of in-flight essentials when you're quite literally in it for the long haul.

What's in my carry on long haul

Comfort Everytime I fly I see these business types wearing their pant suits or a pair of heels and quite frankly it baffles me. Who wears this type of thing on a long haul flight? I sure don't. I'm not saying I turn up for my flight dressing as though I'm about to embark on an eight hour Netflix binge but I do have a trick up my sleeve. I pack my comfies. My comfy pants and a large sweater. Granted it's a little awkward fully changing your outfit in the already claustrophobic toilet cubicle but pair your comfiest loungewear with a some of Primark's finest fluffy socks and you won't look back. 

Sleep is obviously essential so pack an eye mask and ear plugs to make sure you're uninterrupted. Although some airlines provide these I always find it's better to take my own. I can only assume they buy new earplugs for each passenger but until that's confirmed.. thanks but no thanks.  

Beauty Ah the good old 'in-flight beauty regime' has been well over worked on YouTube channels and beauty blogs and I know this because I watch them like a crazy woman before taking a trip. With all the knowledge I have learnt I finally found the products that work well for me without carting half of my skincare drawer on the flight. I can break down my beauty regime into three simple steps. 

1. Something to take off my make up
2. Products to moisturise my hands, face and lips
3. Basic make up products to apply prior to landing.

It's really that simple. You don't need specific products to do any of these but I (along withe everybody else) would highly recommend Origin's Drink Up. An intense hydrating mask that can be left on for the entire flight and doesn't make your face shinier than the sun. It soaks into the skin really quickly and although I reapplied it after a few hours I probably didn't need to. My main tip would be to decant your liquid products into small travel sized containers to meet the 100ml restriction. Primark sell a set of these for around £2 but you can buy them from amazon too.

Entertainment Phone, iPad, laptop, iPod. Whatever your device of choice make sure it's fully stocked with offline apps, books, TV shows you love and some of those 'pin now, read later' articles you've had saved for months. This is the perfect time to catch up and indulge in all your favourites. Of course, you must not forget your earphones! Airlines provide these too but I tend to take my own because I know they're good quality and won't begin to hurt my ears half way through my audiobook. A notebook and pen are a good little addition too. Long hauls flights are the perfect time to plan for any events coming up, draft blog post ideas or even scribble down your itinerary for your up and coming trip. If you prefer to do this electronically don't forget to take a pen anyway. Many countries require you to fill in forms before landing but even if they don't, you know you'll always need a pen!

If you have any other in flight recommendations be sure to let me know in the comments. Are you off on holiday this year? Where are you going?

ox Lucy

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