One Spread the word! Make it your aim to educate at least 5 people about child cancer awareness this month. There are many images with stats and facts you could share such as the one above or take a look at the Be Child Cancer Aware campaign on Facebook.
Two Wear a gold ribbon, eyeliner or nail polish. Upload a photo to twitter or instagram with #gogold #childcancerawareness There's always a group of sinycs ready to tell you that your hastags aren't helping anybody but the entire point is to raise AWARENESS and encourage your followers to do so too.
Three Want something simple and free? Add the gold twibbon to your twitter profile pic (I believe you can do this for facebook too). It takes no time whatsoever and might just prompt a conversation. There are lots of twibbons to choose from but I use this one.
Four If you're looking to go the extra mile why not sign up to the bone marrow register or donate blood. This one isn't for everybody but if you think you can do it then sign up and you will save lives.
Five Last year TK Maxx raised over £4 million for childhood cancer research. They're taking part this year and you can get involved by donating a bag of unwanted clothes (just take it in store) or by buying a gold ribbon pin from the counter and wearing it daily to show your support.
Do you think there's something you could do to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer this month?
ox Lucy
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