Month to View Planner Layout: April showers

Planner stickers uk
Initial stickers - New Look // Rainy Days Stickers - The Plump Planner // Balloon Stickers - Tiger

I'm not the only one who can't believe it's April already am I?! Where the heck did the past three months go? I've got a few things on at the beginning of April but the second half of it is set to be chilled and in all honesty, I can't wait. I'm so happy to have completely free weekends to spend as I please. 

I'm going to start using the right hand column of the month to view page as a goals list. It should keep me on track and will be good to look back on at the end of each month. As I hadn't filled it in before taking this picture I'll leave a little list below of my April Goals..

Read one book

Put some of my wages in my savings account

Write some creative blog posts (I'm totally out of the swing of things if you hadn't noticed)


Create a finance plan that will allow me to pay of my student overdraft by March next year

I hope April is a great month for you, whatever you have in store.
ox Lucy

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