Happy New Year!

Well didn't 2013 seem to fly by us at lightening speeds? Although last year was a fairly good one for me, I'm extra excited about 2014. Providing I actually stop procrastinating and pass my exams/essays, I will graduate this year and leave education (hopefully) forever! After that I don't know what my future will hold which fills me equally with excitement and dread.

I've made a few resolutions so I'll note them here so I can track my progress be held accountable every time I log on to this little slice of the interweb.

ONE. Give up dairy. This is a biggie for me this year and I'll be starting next week. There's a post coming soon explaining why.

TWO. Get some work experience. I've definitely been in the university bubble for a while now and as a result my CV's been bare for quite some time. I'd like to have some work placements on there as well as volunteering roles in the next 6 months.

THREE. Narrow my career choices. You know those kids who get a stethoscope for their 4th birthday, decide they want to be a doctor and stick to it? Well that has NEVER been me. My list of career wishes are currently solicitor, HR, food taster, paralegal, baker, small cafe owner, events planner and entrepreneur. Oh and definitely not in that order!

FOUR. Save money. I really want to save money through coupons and competitions this year. I hope not to buy 80% of purchases without some sort of voucher or a reward for doing so. Any tips, send them my way! 

FIVE. Graduate. Academia definitely doesn't come easy to me and it takes a lot of effort for each piece of work I hand in that often results in an average grade. Not to mention the how ill I get from exam stress. Sleepless nights 5 months before exams? Yup! That's me! Because of this, just graduating is enough for me. Of course I'd love to get a 2:1 (I gave up on a 1st a long time ago) but if I don't, I hope I'll still be happy.

I also want to pay off some of the debts I have accumulated through being a student but this one will probably come into force in the final part of 2014 when hopefully I'll be in some sort of employment.

Have you made resolutions this year? Do you have any tips to help with mine?

Happy New Year to you and yours :)
Love Lucy ox

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