I've read blogs for years now and lately each one I stumble upon seems to be very samey samey in terms of content. Lots of bloggers use the same photography style and review the same products and while I'm not doubting the amount of time and effort these bloggers spend on their little spaces on t'internet, or the popularity of such blog posts, I've felt for a while that I wanted more from the blogging world.
With the demise of Hello Cotton I've also found it pretty tricky to discover new blogs. I find Bloglovin' rather tedious and it only seems to promote already established blogs. Stuck in a rut of what to read for a couple of months now I stumbled upon this quote whilst spending a very productive evening on Pinterest (read procrastinating from uni work).

It got those little cogs in my brain turning and so I decided that maybe I should start my own blog. The idea of having an online journal that documents my ever-changing thoughts and opinions with life events of both the exciting and mundane type really excited me. I love looking back at old 'Year Books' from school to see what my favourite song was in 2006 or who was my celeb crush in 2002 and I hope this blog serves me the same purpose.
More than this, I hope to put something a little more personal into the somewhat predictable blogosphere and if you enjoy what I've got to say then that's a massive dollop of icing on top of the three tiered chocolate cake that I hope this blog will be.
To get me into the swing of things I'm going to take part in Rosalilium's Blog every day in November challenge. So to begin my blogging journey I'll follow up this intro with a 'get to know me' type post. If you're taking part too, be sure to say hi!
Love Lucy ox
this is a really cool post- i do find that bloglovin tends to only promote established blogs- however recently it has been showing me blogs with less followers (how i discovered you :) ) ...i do have some of the typical blogger photography/haul traits but i'm trying to do some posts outside of the standard 'FBL' box ....you've definitely attracted a new follower :) xo