Following your dreams

When I was in school and somebody would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up the answer was always the same. I didn't care so long as it paid well. If you asked me that same question now, the answer couldn't be more different. I want my days to be filled with a job that ignites the fire in my belly, fills my voice with passion and makes Monday mornings seem less than hellish.

A few weeks ago I realised I was letting something I really dislike doing get in the way of something I love. I've been so bogged down studying for a course I constantly feel I'm blagging that I forgot there's something in my life that makes me happy and people have actually told me I'm quite good at - writing.

Exam dates had just been released and I was making a not of them along with my other deadlines when the realisation hit me. 'I'm on the wrong path' I thought to myself. But what could I do? I'm too far into my journey to reverse, there's too much traffic to do a U-turn and if I continue to follow the sat nav I'll never reach my desired destination.

I panicked for a little while, sat on my bed in a complete state of worry that I was going to end up in a miserable rut when I realised that if I didn't like where I was heading, the only way to reach a different destination was to reconfigure the sat nav.

After countless hours of researching career databases, job requirements an company profiles I found myself with what just might be a feasible career path to follow. Granted the journey is a little long, the roads may be uneven and I'm well prepared for a few uphill starts, I know it will be worth it.

They say you must follow the path to happiness. I disagree. You have to create the path to your own kind of happiness regardless of where that may be or how difficult it is to get there.

Love Lucy


  1. Very brave, so many people are scared to change their path once they're on it. Best of luck.

    1. Yep, it's never too late though! Thanks so much :) ox
