Birthday Wishlist

Next Sunday I turn the grand old age of twenty five. Quite honestly I don't know how this happened. One day I was seventeen just kicking about with my friends going about my own business and in what seems like no time at all I'm suddenly about to hit my mid-20s. I think my miss-match wish list speaks volumes of my 'I don't want to grow up yet' attitude.

I don't actually expect to receive any of these things as gifts, I much prefer surprises so rarely tell people what I want. If I was buying my own gifts these are what I'd be purchasing and maybe a small record player a a new pair of white jeans too.

What are you lusting after at the minute? 

ox Lucy


  1. Great wish list - Marc Jacobs daisy dream is on my wish list x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x

  2. I love those friends pencils and want one of those fuji cameras too.
