5 uses for your free beauty samples

1Trying before you buy is the ultimate benefit of keeping your samples. If you're on the hunt for the perfect volumising shampoo then search the web for some samples - more companies offer them than you'd think. Lush are a great company for samples too. If you're looking to try a product of theirs just ask for a sample and they'll happily oblige. I'm no beauty blogger myself but if I was I'd hoard sample products like no tomorrow and post endless reviews at no cost to myself.

2Sample products are the perfect size to slip into your suitcase for a weekend away. We all know how much heavier our bags become once we've added our moisturisers, exfoliators and shower gels so a sample size will not only free up space but take the weight off as well. As samples tend to be less than 100ml they make for great additions to your carry on bag too. Mini toothpaste tubes and hand moisturisers are perfect for this.

3When the end of the month is almost upon us but payday seems so far away and we simply cannot justify repurchasing our expensive but all time favourite salon quality shampoo, introduce your samples into the mix. It'll put off spending that little bit longer and many samples come with money off vouchers for your purchase - trust me, your overdraft will thank you!

4Just imagine how cute it would be to arrive for a weekend stay at your besties' house and find she has prepared a welcome basket of mini beauty essentials just for you. Many beauty samples will fit perfectly into a welcome basket and shows how much you appreciate their visit without costing you a penny. This is a great opportunity to give away products you have no use for too - if your BFF rocks curly hair whilst your is poker straight then give her that curl defining mousse you got your a Glossybox subscription last month.

5Did you know that food banks aren't just for food? Families in crisis in our country need things like soap, toothpaste, sanitary products and shampoo as well as essential food items. Just enter your postcode to find your local food bank and take along your unwanted stash. Sample sizes might not seem like you're making a difference but even the smallest of donations will help.

If you have anymore Ideas I'd love to read them in the comments below.
ox Lucy

I'd love you to follow me on Bloglovin Instagram or Pinterest

1 comment

  1. I always save my beauty samples, I have so many to get through! I didn't know about the food banks though, I think I'll put a basket together. Thanks!

    Beka. xo
