Christmas Acts of Kindness - Blogmas Day 5

'Tis the season of good will and whilst we're shopping for gifts for loved ones it's important to remember those who might not be as lucky as us. Be it the financially poorer, ill of health or somebody who's lonely this Christmas, there are so many ways we can lend a helping hand. 

- Donate Christmas food to food banks. If your local supermarket has cranberry sauce on two for one or you have more than enough packets of stuffing mix, give some away to those who might need a little extra help for Christmas dinner.

- Help an elderly relative or neighbour decorate.

-Have a pre-Christmas clear out to make room for new gifts and give anything in good condition to charity. Lots of people shop at charity shops for presents and that autobiography you received last year and will never read could be somebody's favourite gift this Christmas. 

-Take on a chore you wouldn't usually do. Offer to peel the veg this year and give your parents a break or clean the house before all your family arrive to exchange gifts. I'm providing Christmas dessert this year. Whether I'll bake it or buy is still to be decided but it's one less thing for my parents to think about.

- Donate a toy to a children's charity. My local supermarkets have a basket where you can drop off new toys. Local Children's hospitals run similar schemes so it's worth doing a quick google search to see how you can get involved.

-Give up some of your time to help at a Christmas fair. I painted nails at my local fair this year.

- In each Christmas card you send write a little thank you note for something the recipient has done for you this year so they know it's not gone unnoticed.

-Take time to listen to Carol singers in the city instead of rushing past in attempt to get your shopping done quickly. Drop some change in their bucket too if you can.

- Leave a card and maybe even a homemade gift for the local milk man or your window cleaner. 

- Donate old hats, gloves and scarves to homeless shelters.

Of course random acts of kindness can take place all year round - I have a few more suggestions here but I'd love to hear some of your ideas too.

ox Lucy

I'm taking part in Blogmas! 

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