The Christmas TAG - Blogmas Day 3

-What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
I'd love to be in a winter wonderland like Lapland where I could enjoy a picture perfect Christmas Day but for the entire holiday season it would have to be America. Watching the Thanksgiving parade would be a dream.
Favourite Christmas movie?
The Grinch.. And he puzzled and puzzled 'til his puzzler was sore. Then he thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, perhaps, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.
-Are you on the Naughty list or the Nice list?
NICE! Never naughty :)
-Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Sadly not, I remember going to Spain one Christmas and when I got home everybody was talking about how it snowed on Christmas Day. Granted the snow wasn't anything spectacular but still, it would have been nice.
-Where do you usually spend your Christmas?
At home in Northern England.
Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Every Christmas Eve for as far back as I remember I have opened one gift. Each year it's a new set of PJ's and more often than not slippers. I always open it after my bath and spend the rest of the evening cosied up in my new jim jams on the sofa. 
-Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.. and Rudolph! *Can I have a gold star for that one please?*
-What holiday tradition are you looking forward to most this year?
My favourite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve. Every year I do to the local church's Christingle with my family. That's the most important part of Christmas for me that I wouldn't change for the world.
-Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake it til you make it! But I burn a pinewood scented candle to give the home that authentic feeling.
-Hands down, what’s your all-time favourite Christmas food and Christmas sweet treat?
Pigs in blankets! I bloody love them.  
-Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?Both, I love shopping for gifts for others and knowing they're happy with the gift I've bought/made for them but I'd be lying if I was to say I didn't love receiving gifts too - who doesn't?!
Does your family have a special Christmas recipe you like to help make?
My Dad makes mince pies every year. As a child I used o help but nowadays it tends to be my nephew taking on the role of Sous Chef.
-Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
The first few presents I wrap each year always look hideous. Once I get into the swing of things though they tend to look pretty neat.
Most memorable Christmas moment?
When I was seven or eight I got a black and white video camera for Christmas. We spent the whole day filming each other and playing pranks. I wish we still have the VHS tapes from it - I'd love to look back on them.
-What made you realise the truth about Santa?
Erm what?
-Do you make New Year resolutions? Do you stick to them?
Every year I make a resolution - usually to get fitter, quit wasting money or to be more organised. I usually fail miserably but this is actually the first year I've stuck to my resolution. I'll be writing a post on this during the run up to New Year.
-What makes Christmas special for you?
Family, just being together watching Christmas TV specials and eating quality street before falling asleep on the sofa for a food coma induced evening nap.

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ox Lucy

I'm taking part in Blogmas! 

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1 comment

  1. Aww I love this TAG, xmas ones are always my favourite. American and Lapland would be my choices too :) I am similar with the wrapping, always feel bad for the people who get the first few or the odd shaped ones.
